Gift Planning
There are many ways to make a meaningful philanthropic impact on Waynflete students and faculty.
Using tax-savvy giving methods benefit both you and the school. Philanthropic gifts of all kinds help Waynflete attract and retain exceptional teachers, maintain a vibrant community of qualified students, and provide learning spaces that best support the educational programming of each division of the school.
Below are examples of the many giving methods that can provide benefits now or in the future, while providing critical support of Waynflete’s mission. We are happy to work with you to create a giving plan that works for your family.
Gifts that benefit you now
Appreciated Securities
Donating stocks directly to Waynflete is one of the easiest and tax-smart ways to give. By donating stock that has appreciated for more than a year, you are actually giving 20 percent more than if you sold the stock and then made a cash donation. The reason is simple: avoiding capital gains taxes. The same benefits apply to donations of bonds and mutual funds.
Click here for transfer instructions and more information on the benefits of donating appreciated stock.
Donor Advised Funds
Giving through a donor advised fund is a simple, flexible and tax-efficient way to donate to Waynflete. Donor advised funds are like charitable giving savings accounts. A donor advised fund can be opened at a community foundation or brokerage firm, the donor receives a tax deduction upon opening the fund, and the assets grow over time, tax-free.
Click here for more information on the advantages of giving through a donor advised fund.
Retirement Plan Distributions
When planning a retirement withdrawal strategy, donors may want to consider making charitable donations through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Beginning at age 70 ½ , donors can begin using retirement funds to direct gifts to charity and not incur income tax. A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met.
Click here for more information about the benefits of donating using your retirement funds.
Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA)
We are pleased to partner with Bar Harbor Trust to hold, manage and administer gifts of charitable gift annuities. CGAs are simple contracts in which the donor transfers assets (such as appreciated stock) in exchange for a fixed and guaranteed payment for the remainder of his or her lifetime. Donors receive a one-time tax dedication and tax advantaged retirement income.
Click here for more information on setting up a charitable gift annuity.
Gifts that benefit you in the future
Bequest or inclusion in your will
Leaving a set amount or percentage of your estate to Waynflete is as simple as adding a codicil to your will. We can easily provide you with the language to add.
Whole or partial beneficiary of IRA, 401k, 403b
Retirement plan funds are taxed when they are disbursed, unless the funds go directly to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Simply name Waynflete as a beneficiary in your online account portal or by phone.
Whole or partial beneficiary of life insurance policy
A no-cost way to make a generous gift to the school; simply designate Waynflete as a beneficiary of the policy in your online account portal or by contacting your insurer.